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  • Selection of machining manufacturers for cooperation
  • Selection of machining manufacturers for cooperation


    Parts machining or metal machining, can not blindly choose cheap materials and no quality assurance of machining enterprises. As a research and development enterprise or manufacturing enterprise, to understand their own products and follow the following methods.

    1. According to the needs of the product selection of machining raw materials, can be processed by our company, can not choose machining enterprises for machining. (If you don't know the materials, choose a machining company like Asset Metal with over 15 years of experience. They will advise you on what materials to use and how to process them.)

    2. Select precision machining enterprises that are willing to sign contracts and confidentiality agreements before cooperation. Avoid product leakage in advance, causing unnecessary trouble.

    3. For enterprises with high machining efficiency, some product R&D processes need to go through trial and error iterative attempts, which requires machining enterprises to ensure the machining time. Generally have the strength of precision machining enterprises can ship within 7 days.

    4. Choose enterprises with guaranteed after-sales service. Generally, CNC machining enterprises dare to promise after-sales service are highly experienced enterprises in the industry. With technology accumulation and precipitation, we can provide customers with one to one service before and after sales.
    cnc machining

    The above is how manufacturing enterprises and research and development enterprises should find machining enterprises to cooperate with the key points. I hope it will be helpful to you. Asset Metal technology limited is a machining enterprise with 15 years' experience and excellent professional technology. We can cooperate with customers to sign confidentiality agreements. The machining time and quality are relatively stable.

    Assetprecision specializes in OEM/ODM processing of metal parts, providing high-quality and inexpensive precision parts for customers around the world. Website:  https://www.assetprecision.com