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  • Steps of electroplating process
  • Steps of electroplating process


    Electroplating with conductive surface of the plated parts as the cathode, plating metal or insoluble materials as the anode, the immersion containing coated metal ions in the electrolyte, through direct current, the plating parts on the deposition of coated metal process known as electroplating, the principle is in the Yang, cathode on the electrochemical oxidation and reduction reaction.

    The plating of different kinds of plating, different requirements, and there are different process flow, but the design of a complete plating process, must include three stages:

    The first stage: electroplating pretreatment
    All processes before electroplating are referred to as pre-treatment, including oil removal, film removal, rust removal, cleaning, etc. The purpose is to remove the oil and oxide film, corrosion on the workpiece surface, so that the coating and the substrate firmly bonded to obtain a good binding force of the coating.

    The second stage: electroplating
    The core of the whole process is to obtain the required coating.

    The third stage: electroplating post-treatment
    Including cleaning, dehydrogenation, passivation, sealing, drying, etc., its purpose is to obtain different colors and properties.

    Steps: Spray a coat of primer on the workpiece before electroplating. Because the workpiece is plastic, in the injection molding will be residual air bubble, organic gas, and when placed in the air will be inhaled moisture. In addition, due to the plastic surface is not smooth, direct plating of the workpiece surface is not smooth, low luster, poor metal feeling, and there will be bubbles, blisters and other bad conditions. Sprayed with a layer of primer, will form a smooth surface, and eliminate the plastic itself of the existence of bubbles, so that the plating effect can be displayed.

    Vacuum evaporation plating process
    Workpiece > Pre-plating treatment > Fitting > baking > ion bombardment > Pre-melting > evaporation deposition > cooling > Taking parts > Post-treatment > Finished products

    Vacuum sputtering plating process
    Workpiece > Pre-plating treatment > assembly > vacuuming > baking and bombardment > Pre-melting > sputtering deposition > cooling > Taking parts > post-processing > Finished products

    Vacuum ion plating process
    Workpiece > Pretreatment > assembly > Vacuum > baking > ion bombardment > ion deposition > cooling > Taking parts > Post-treatment > Finished products

    Asset metal a one-stop metal processing manufacturer, Asset metal includes not only the manufacturing of metal parts,  but also the post surface treatment process of metal parts, electroplating, spraying, polishing, etc.