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  • Common processing technology of aluminum alloy
  • Common processing technology of aluminum alloy


    CNC machining
    Method 1: CNC machining
    CNC machining is one of the most common machining methods used to create aluminum prototypes. This process relies on computer input to precisely control the machine tool to remove part of the aluminum workpiece and leave the part you want. In addition, as a reducing material manufacturing method, it will waste materials. But what makes CNC processing different? When should I use it?
    CNC machining provides high quality, excellent surface finish, repeatability, and compatibility with a variety of aluminum alloys. Since the CNC machining process starts with the creation of 3D CAD models, the design can be quickly changed between prototypes without affecting the delivery time.
    CNC machining is particularly suitable for testing and manufacturing prototypes. 4-axis and 5-axis CNC milling machines allow you to create complex prototypes that are difficult to handle with other machining methods.

    Method 2: 3D printing
    3D printing is another popular way to use additive manufacturing technology to create aluminum prototypes to reduce waste. Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) technology can be used to create 3D printed aluminum prototypes. Here, a high-power laser is used to sinter the powdered aluminum particles layer by layer to form the desired shape.
    Similar to CNC processing, 3D printing relies on 3D CAD models to create accurate aluminum prototypes. Its minimum feature size range is 0.25mm to 0.8mm, and it can produce complex geometry with complex internal cross section. However, 3D printed aluminum prototypes are not cheap and usually require additional surface treatment.
    3D printing of aluminum prototypes is usually more expensive than CNC machining. Therefore, 3D printing is suitable for manufacturing small parts, especially test versions and prototypes, while CNC machining is suitable for testing precision metal parts or mass production.

    Asset metal is a 100% high-tech company from ID to solution, focusing on the application manufacturing of metal parts such as CNC machining, metal stamping and chemical etching.